Most occultists rarely participate in gambling, and there are many reasons for that, both mundane and esoteric. But still, spells and methods for winning the lottery and other games of chance are among the most asked-for and popular in books and blogs about practical magick. This one is no exception.
Everyone loves magick squares! Newbies and seasoned practitioners alike value this form of magick for its simplicity and potency. To up our game (pun intended) we will be using a Latin square called AURUM H.E.N. (Hic et nunc), which means “Gold here and now”. Traditionally it was used to find gold, treasure, and other hidden valuables, but in modern times it has been discovered to drastically increase the payouts and probability of winning in casino games, poker, lottery, betting and other games of chance. It also can be employed for other wealth-related purposes like attracting chance money.
There are numerous ways to use this square. It can be drawn on a playing card or a lottery ticket as a gambling talisman for a specific event. You can also construct a more permanent dedicated talisman from paper, wood or metal. The square corresponds to the Sun, so if you choose metal for making your talisman, gold or gold-plated metal would be ideal. But of course, it’s not strictly required, and a simple paper base will do just fine.
Construction of the talisman should be performed on a Sunday. Should you happen to know astrology, you may choose the ideal time based on astrological correspondences, for example, wait until Sun forms a positive aspect with Mars or Mercury. If not, just do it during the planetary hour of the Sun. Influence of the Moon upon this square isn’t strong, so although ideally you should prepare the talisman during the waxing Moon; if that’s not possible, you may just ignore the lunar phase altogether.
It is very important that while writing every letter of the talisman, you meticulously imagine the money coming to you in small increasing amounts, with each new letter. For example, you put down the first letter and imagine yourself winning 10$, put down the second and visualize winning 20$, and so on until the last letter, methodically and step by step.
To actually use the talisman you first need to wait for the decisive moment in the course of the event, like dealing the cards, rolling lottery balls, etc, which will determine the outcome, whether you win this game or lose. Take the talisman into your right hand and vividly imagine yourself winning that game. It’s very important to clear your thoughts and form the intent of winning the game in your mind, then choose the correct moment, and send or push your winning image and intent into the talisman, with energy, emotions and everything. If done right, you should feel sort of empty inside. With a high degree of probability you are expected to win if not the big prize, then at least something.
The method above was found to work really well and bring respectable results, but of course it’s not the only way to use this talisman. You may carry it on your person, in your wallet, or even in your shoe, imbue it with chi, meditate on it, and generally use any other method to connect with the talisman and charge it. Be creative, experiment, and you will certainly discover your own best technique.