First Steps in Occultism

Posted in General

Throw Anyone Out of Your Life

There is a very well-known and widely used folk magick working called “freezer spell” to bind unwanted people and keep them away from your reality. You write the name of your target on a piece of paper, put it into a jar of water (or a nastier liquid), or simply tie it with a thread, then shove it into the back of your refrigerator. The spell is reliable and notoriously effective, however not without side-effects: the result is not permanent, and it takes up valuable space in your fridge. There must be a better way, and there is. Here’s a method that gets people out of your life for good, and doesn’t require you to introduce your enemies into your food storage.

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Posted in General

Simple and Direct Method to Develop Your Lower Dantian Energy Center

It seems puzzling, but the natural storage reservoirs for vital energy, which are known to Asian practitioners as the Dantian, are at the same time the most rarely mentioned parts of human subtle anatomy. Their importance is almost completely overlooked in Western esoteric practices, even the ones specifically dedicated to energy work. And it may very well be the reason why so many occultists, despite doing everything correctly, still experience strange problems, inexplicable failures or intermittent results in their work concerning attention control, out-of-body projection and other energy-demanding practices.

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Posted in Money and Wealth

Simple Talisman to Improve Luck in Gambling, Lottery, and Other Games of Chance

Everyone loves magick squares! Newbies and seasoned practitioners alike value this form of magick for its simplicity and potency. To up our game (pun intended) we will be using a Latin square, which was traditionally employed to locate gold, treasure, and other hidden valuables. And in modern times it has been discovered to drastically increase the payouts and probability of winning in casino games, poker, lottery, betting and other games of chance. It also can be utilized for other wealth-related purposes like attracting chance money.

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