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On Practicality of Practical Magick

If the magickal practice (rituals, talismans, divination and so on) does not lead to noticeable changes in life — on the material level, literally — then there is a very high probability (almost certain) that it is not a magickal practice, but an exercise in self-delusion. Mistakes, wrong decisions, dud rituals, etc naturally do happen, as with any complex activity that demands knowledge, skill, intuition and special conditions; but nevertheless the big general picture is simple: if there are no obvious and measurable results — there is no magick. Leaving aside the straightforward material things (like finding a bag with a millon dollars in cash after a money ritual), the insights, coincidences and synchronicities, improvements in character and personality, desired psychological states — are all valid and tangible magickal results. They may appear not right away, nor after a day, nor after a month. But they must manifest if everything had been done properly.

The idea of “magick as pure art” or “rituals for the sake of spiritual growth”, etc is popular in certain circles. Of course, it’s all great, and in a very broad view of the subject it certainly does add color and flavor to reality. But on a more serious note, such “magick” is nothing more than an elaborate but useless toy, or as some would say, mental masturbation. Wasted effort.

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