The Magick of Latin Squares, pt. 2: Crafting and Activation

Each Square talisman is crafted on a specific day and hour according to its purpose. Though the Latin Squares as such aren’t planetary by their nature, their action still conforms to the influences of the planets (as does almost everything in this sublunary sphere). So it makes a lot of sense to find out which planet presides over the goal of your Square, and craft it during the time when the influence of that planet is the strongest.

The talismanic magick of the Latin Squares works in a somewhat different manner than the traditional Kabbalistic magick. To put it shortly, it utilizes the small-action principle colloquially known as “the butterfly effect”, where relatively minor initial influences are used to set into motion the chains of occurrences that eventually produce large-scale results. A more flowery explanation could compare it to a stone being cast into a river. If we imagine a person’s life as the water in that river, to produce some specific changes in its flow would require definite knowledge of three basic factors. First, which kind of stone. Second – exactly when to throw it. Third – how long will waves and ripples continue to spread out after the stone of magickal operation is dropped into the river of one’s life.

Stars and planets play a major part in determining the course of events in this physical world. Follower of the Western occult tradition is always trying to draw those planetary energies into his or her magickal operation forcefully by means of ritual, Names of power and elaborate systems of correspondences. But the one who employs Latin Squares, is simply timing the “stone throw” with planetary influences for the best possible result in a natural manner.

The planetary meanings are universally known and can be easily obtained in any book or website on astrology. However, I will present a short reference table just for the sake of completeness of this text. It is by no means exhaustive, and the reader is urged to consult a dedicated astrological source.

Planet Sphere of Influence
Sun Money, wealth, prosperity, success, career, fame, health.
Moon Astral plane, intuition, emotions, divination, dreams, seafaring, travel, motherhood, theater.
Mercury Trade, commerce, crafts, learning and education, communication, publishing, writing, literature, negotiations and bargaining, fraud, theft, occult knowledge, contacts with the otherworld.
Venus Love, sex, sensual pleasures, affection, friendship, culture, arts, medicine, awards and privileges, perfume, cuisine.
Mars War, army, security services, authority, victory, destruction, valor, agriculture, chemistry, surgery.
Jupiter The Divine, religion, cults, fame, finance, wealth, banks, charity, politics, legislation, sports.
Saturn Wills and inheritance, death, borders, limitations, laws, construction, land, assets and property.

The correspondences are taken from general astrology. Should you face difficulties deciding which planet to use, then according to tradition, the Square should be made on the day and hour of Mercury. “If you don’t know – leave the choice to Mercury”.

Seven planets rule over days of the week according to the following order:

Weekday Planet
Sunday Sun
Monday Moon
Tuesday Mars
Wednesday Mercury
Thursday Jupiter
Friday Venus
Saturday Saturn

There are 24 planetary hours in a planetary day: 12 hours of the day, calculated from sunrise to sunset, and 12 hours of the night, from sunset to sunrise of the next day.

A planetary day begins exactly at dawn at the given geographical location. The hour after sunrise always belongs to the ruling planet. The other hours of that planet on that day are found according to the so-called Chaldean sequence of planets.

“Chaldean order” – Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon – from the slowest-to fastest-moving as the planets appear in the night sky.

The Star of MagiBecause duration of a planetary hour is not fixed at sixty minutes but depends on daytime length on a specific date, correct timing has to be worked out beforehand. Traditionally, special tables and the so-called “Star of Magi” heptagram sigil, which ties together the order of planetary days and hours, have been employed in this calculation. But in this day and age using one of the numerous calculator apps or websites (such as this one) would be a lot faster and save the magician from awkward errors.

Furthermore, those who are serious in their magickal endeavors, know that the mismatch between astronomical and planetary hours is not very significant. In real practice, correct planetary days are a lot more important for the overall success of the operation than planetary hours.

So the aforementioned BELLO Square must be crafted on the day and hour of Mars, as follows from its purpose. Let’s say, on a Tuesday right after sunrise would be the perfect time. To do it you will need a sheet of ordinary paper and a writing implement such as a pencil, pen, sharpie, etc. That will do just fine for the scenario where the square would be carried on your person. Consecration of the materials and tools is not required. There is no need for special ritual with robes, candles, incenses, Names of power and such – just something to write on and something to write with.

According to traditional rules of preparing planetary talismans, it is only required to begin the process during the correct hour, and then the work may be continued through the next hours presuming everything is done in one sitting and not interrupted. But this issue should very rarely if ever arise in practice because crafting and charging a Latin Square is literally a matter of minutes.

On the corresponding day and hour the previously composed Square is inscribed on paper (or other intended object) according to the order and rules of construction. Immediately after that the final part of the operation is performed – the Square must be read aloud. Begin with the keyword (BELLO) and follow the maze pattern towards the center of the square. There are no specific rules as to how to articulate the Square, but it may be practical to write out the letters in advance breaking them up into more easily pronounced syllables and combinations.
Maze patternAfter the final letter is uttered, the talisman is fully completed and ready to be used.

Duration of the working life of the Square is determined by its creator upon construction. It cannot be extended – a new Square would have to be made. Should the need arise to terminate the Square before its due expiration, it may be done by reading the Square backwards, from the center of the maze pattern towards the beginning. It should be performed observing the planetary influence, but in a somewhat different manner – on the planetary day opposite in nature to the day of its construction. For example, if the Square had been crafted on Sunday, day of the Sun, it needs to be destroyed on Monday, day of the Moon, and so on as specified in the table.

Construction Deactivation
Sun Moon
Moon Sun
Mercury Mercury
Venus Mars
Mars Venus
Jupiter Saturn
Saturn Jupiter

The best way to deal with the now useless paper is to write the letters INRI on it and then dispose of it in fire. The following words are spoken during this small ceremony:
(I) – IGNE
Meaning – “Through fire, nature is reborn whole”.

The inscription is made on any side of the Square. It should be the only lettering except for those drawings and inscriptions already present on the paper or other object before the Square had been crafted.

By following these facile instructions anybody will be able to compose, craft and activate his or her own Latin Squares to achieve gentle but powerful results in one’s life. Of course, users must exercise common sense and limit themselves to a reasonable number of Squares carried on their person, also taking into consideration their properties and action so the Squares do not contradict each other.

To illustrate the idea and method, a number of pre-made Latin Squares for different goals and circumstances will be presented in the next part of the text. Those have been thoroughly tested and are ready to be crafted and used.

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