Year: 2021
An Easy Folk Magick Money Ritual
Here is a simple and surprisingly effective method for constructing a home talisman to increase your wealth. It will not require any rare or expensive materials, and zero magickal skills are needed.
Don’t Fake It Till You Make It, Just Borrow the Real Thing
One of the most basic yet effective training tools known to a practical occultist is the famous fake it until you make it approach. In essence it means acting and behaving as if you already possessed the skill you are training for, until one day you suddenly realize that you’re no longer faking it. However this method is not without drawbacks: the process is frustratingly slow, and sometimes it can feel too, well, fake — too much like roleplay or that cringy positive thinking.
Shut Up Shop: Destructive Magick from the Father of the Beat Generation
This is the so-called playback technique, a rather weird technomagickal curse invented by the famous postmodern writer and sorcerer William S. Burroughs. It is most effective against places, like shops or businesses, but can also be used to screw up individuals. The method involves a portable sound recorder; Burroughs used a small tape recorder, but today a smartphone app can be employed with great success.
Programming the Subconscious Mind Through Peripheral Vision
Psychologists and brain scientists have long known that people normally concentrate most of their conscious attention on the things they’re directly staring at, which are usually right in front of them, near the center of the visual field. The periphery, on the other hand, is processed mostly subconsciously and is not brought up to the conscious mind unless something important occurs there, or a person makes a deliberate effort to notice the visual outskirts. In the occult circles it’s common knowledge that the easiest way to actually see weird things like auras, energies, spirits, ghosts, etc is to look out of the corner of your eye.
A Very Uncommon Method for Divining the Future
A little-known and unique method of communicating answers from the subconscious mind that requires no tools and can be used in almost any circumstances. The core of the method is to employ your own eyes as a divination instrument, observing and interpreting patterns that appear behind closed eyelids.