Month: June 2021
The Comfort Zone
Your Personal Magickal Assistant
If you ask 15 different occultists what “technomagick” is, you will invariably get 30 answers. We have never even really come to a consensus whether we should be calling it technomagick or technomancy or cybermagick or a few other terms I’ve seen tossed around to try and explore the concept. This has always amused me, because after all, technomagick at its very root is just combining the use of technology in some form with magick.
An Easy Folk Magick Money Ritual
Here is a simple and surprisingly effective method for constructing a home talisman to increase your wealth. It will not require any rare or expensive materials, and zero magickal skills are needed.
Don’t Fake It Till You Make It, Just Borrow the Real Thing
One of the most basic yet effective training tools known to a practical occultist is the famous fake it until you make it approach. In essence it means acting and behaving as if you already possessed the skill you are training for, until one day you suddenly realize that you’re no longer faking it. However this method is not without drawbacks: the process is frustratingly slow, and sometimes it can feel too, well, fake — too much like roleplay or that cringy positive thinking.