Simple and Direct Method to Develop Your Lower Dantian Energy Center

It seems puzzling, but the natural storage reservoirs for vital energy, which are known to Asian practitioners as the Dantian, are at the same time the most rarely mentioned parts of human subtle anatomy. Their importance is almost completely overlooked in Western esoteric practices, even the ones specifically dedicated to energy work. And it may very well be the reason why so many occultists, despite doing everything right, still experience strange problems, inexplicable failures or intermittent results in their work concerning attention control, out-of-body projection and other energy-demanding practices. Given below is one of the simplest and most direct methods of activating the lower Dantian (aka “the Golden Stove”) discovered in a lesser-known occult discussion group.

The problem I see with most is that you need to build the lower dantian first, and only after that you can gather energy.

I’ll just write it down quickly, it’s easier. First you will need to BUILD the lower dantian (lower “elixir field”), the first two exist, this one doesn’t. In order to do that, do the following (without explanation why):

1. On inhale empty mind, on exhale look inwardly at the solar plexus. Do this until you feel a warmth or pressure there. 3 times 20 mins a day, for about 5 weeks usually.

2. You will feel something warm/liquid dropping down from the solar plexus into your abdomen. Again on inhale empty mind, on exhale “watch inwardly” at the dropping and guide it down into the abdomen.

3. Your abdomen will start to get warm, pulse, and with time your dam muscle too. Congrats, you have created the dantian.

This is pure gold in terms of inner alchemy. I did not understand its meaning at the beginning, but you will once you open up a channel, or actually the back. It’s like the key to start. Have fun.

Btw, everyone who started with this was “visited” during the night sooner or later πŸ˜‚ by the energy vampires from the astral plane. Once you get the energy and start out, you start “to shine” on the astral plane and some eyes will be directed at you. You will see what I mean once you start. If you get further, you still “shine” but they become afraid and leave you alone 😁

by @TrueBeyondMaster

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